
7 Surprising Reasons Why Kids Misbehave (How to Discover Those Triggers)

Understand the common reasons of your kids misbehavior

Parenting is the best thing that can happen to a person. It teaches patience, humility and tolerance. It also helps you learn more about yourself than any other job or pursuit in life

Disciplining a kid can be tough since they’re so young, but it’s worth remembering the stage of brain development they’re at. In general, your 1-3 year old kid doesn’t have the rational thinking of an older child – relying more on emotions and sensations to understand things.

A kid still can’t easily reason about things. He does not yet properly understand the importance of showing kindness to others and making himself safe. He still doesn’t understand that people can be hurt by his actions and that he should act logically.

A kid begins to develop and wants to do things for themselves. They want to accomplish things before they are capable of, which can lead them to feel frustrated or unhappy.

And because it’s hard for him (or her) to communicate, which frustrates them. He’s been having a hard time lately and is suffering from tantrums and unruly behavior to vent his frustrations.

Kids’ do not always mean to misbehave. It’s important to know what a child’s developmental stages are and to respond accordingly. It can open up the lines of communication with your child

They Want Attention:

The kids nowadays self-esteem is at stake. Phone notifications and parenting coddling, these attention seeking behavior might start at a very early age.

When parents are on the phone, talking to friends or visiting family, kids feel left out. They might start whining or throwing tantrums to get help.


Your child might try to learn things about the world at a young age, even if it means crossing some lines of unacceptable behavior. They might pull a cat’s tail to see how it reacts, or bang on objects to hear how they sound.

To Show Their Independence:

As children grow up, they want to show their independence and do things on their own.

Testing the Limits:

Toddlers are becoming more aware of their independent capabilities. They’re testing those limits and learning what they can and can’t approach.

To Exert Power and Control:

A need for a feeling of power or control often lead to misbehavior. Children are always trying out new things. If they feel like some part of their world is being threatened, they might act out in defiance to reassert their dominance.


Toddlers can get frustrated when they see others do things that they are not allowed to do. They may also be too young and not strong enough to do the same thing. A lot of toddlers will have a hard time making their toys stand up or stacking blocks.

Toddlers has a hard time controlling their temper and lashes out, shows aggression, and is anti-social. However, there are many ways to teach children how to control their tantrums.


Toddlers have emotions just like adults. Sometimes an outburst is a way of screaming “Enough!” They can also use tantrums when they are feeling frustrated, sad, or angry. These could cause your toddler to have temper tantrums.

They will cry for help, and sometimes their best way of saying “Enough!” They expressed their overwhelming emotions in the only way they knew how- by screaming, writhing in pain, laying on the floor and sobbing.

How to Discipline Your Kids:

Discipline isn’t about making your child miserable, it is about getting them to understand the concept of doing something wrong and the consequences that come with it.

You will find many ways on how to discipline your toddler. However, not all of them are effective or appropriate for our little ones. Discipline your toddler in a way that ensures they don’t feel neglected or unimportant.

Simple Ways to Instill Discipline in Your Kids:

Discipline is a key component of any successful person. But it can be difficult to discipline kids. Here are some simple tips for parents on how to instill discipline in their kids.

Show them What Consequences Are:

Show your child what happens when they make the wrong choice- get angry, throw a toy, or hit someone- by showing them the same negative outcome.

Give Them Space:

Give your child space to make mistakes and learn from their first hand experience, instead of being too restrictive and telling them what they should do every second of the day.

Provide Choices:

Allow your child to make choices and see the consequences for themselves- this gives them practice making decisions and also lets you know their interests more thoroughly.

Respect the “No”: Kids have Limits

Parents should always respect the “no” when it comes to their children. If they say no, it is not a negotiation. No matter what their age, kids need and want limits.

Ignore the Bad and Praise the Good:

According to some research, ignoring a child’s bad behavior and focusing on their good behavior can be beneficial. It’s one of the most effective ways to deal with attention-seeking behavior in kids.

Why the Children Need Discipline?

Children are the future, but if we don’t discipline them now, they’ll grow up to be brats.

Discipline is a fundamental part of teaching a child responsibility. Parents are the ones who have to teach children how to behave in public and how to respect other people’s space. It is not easy being a parent and it can be frustrating when your child doesn’t listen or misbehaves.

But in the long run, it will all pay off when you see the results of your parenting skills – an obedient child who will know what is right and wrong.

How Do You Best Teach Your Child Self-Discipline?

The best way to teach your child self-discipline is to set up a routine and discipline them when they break it. This will help them learn the importance of following rules and sticking to a schedule.

Parents should also provide their children with consequences for misbehavior, so that they know what is going to happen. This will also help them form good habits because they won’t get away with bad behavior.

The best way to teach your child self-discipline is by setting up a routine and disciplining them when they break it. This will help the children learn the importance of following rules and sticking to a schedule.

How to Be a Positive Parent without Losing Your Mind or Sanity.

Parenting can be incredibly difficult. There are so many things that go into it, and it can really test your patience and sanity. Be a positive parent without losing your mind or sanity, using tips from parenting experts.

Parenting is a thankless job; one that requires focus, determination, patience, love and empathy. It also requires these qualities in order to be effective at it!


  1. American Academy of Pediatrics.
  2. Weitzman C, Wegner L.

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